Significant COLA Increase

Social Security beneficiaries will receive the highest cost-of-living adjustment in nearly 40 years, with monthly payments increasing accordingly

January Social Security Checks

The first round of Social Security checks for January arrived on February 2, and included the 2023 COLA adjustment.

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SSDI Payment Schedule

The arrival of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments depends on the recipient's date of birth and the year they started receiving SSDI money.

SSI Payment Schedule

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients received their first checks on December 30, 2022, with reviews issued on the 1st of each month.

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Eligibility for Social Security Benefits

To be eligible for Social Security benefits, an individual must have earned enough credits from working and paying Social Security taxes.

Social Security Benefits Estimate

Social Security beneficiaries can estimate their future benefits by creating a Social Security account on the official website.

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Early Retirement

Social Security benefits can be claimed as early as age 62, but taking benefits at this age reduces monthly payments.

Full Retirement Age

The full retirement age at which an individual can receive full Social Security benefits is between 66 and 67 for those born after 1942.

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Delayed Retirement Credits

Social Security beneficiaries who delay taking benefits until after their full retirement age may be eligible for Delayed Retirement Credits, which increase the monthly payment amount.

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