Now You can Buy Peloton Products on Amazon for Your Daily Workout

Peloton signed a new deal with Amazon by listing their products on Amazon to extended their market share by selling more products at United States

This is first time ever Peloton going for a new tie up with another retailer to sell their own products.

Till now they are selling only in their own website and their own outlets.

According to peloton CEO Kevin Cornils, they are not going to stop with this amazon partnership. They are going to look for similar partnership with other retailers as well.

Because, They strongly believe that more such partnerships will extend their reach and Market Share

Their initial listing in Amazon includes Peloton Bike, Peloton Guide, Accessories includes cycling shoes, heart rate band, bike mat, reversible workout mat, dumbbells, light weights, water bottles, yoga blocks and yoga strap.

Well, how to buy Peloton products on Amazon now? Simple Click below Button and visit Peloton Products on Amazon.

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